Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Presentation Of The Ninth Group

"Do It Carefully"

This is the presentation of the ninth group, they actually do the procedure text material, but they were presentating about the "how to do" procedure text.

what i got from here is i think, it was about a steps or ways to do some activities, maybe if you are a beginner of a swimmer, so you have to know the steps of how to swim properly, the structure and the purpose of writing this text is just as the same as the regular procedure text that we already know, so this thing right here is just a part of the procedure text.

This is the Opening song that they gave us 

Bangun Pemudi Pemuda 
Bangun pemudi pemuda Indonesia

Tangan bajumu singsingkan untuk negara
Masa yang akan datang kewajibanmu lah
Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa
Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa
Sudi tetap berusaha jujur dan ikhlas

Tak usah banyak bicara trus kerja keras
Hati teguh dan lurus pikir tetap jernih
Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri
Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri

This is the News 
'Western plastics poisoning indonesian food chain"
Environmental group IPEN found, in one East Java Village, toxics dioxins in chicken eggs 70 times the level allowed by european safety standards. Long-term expossure to the chemicals is linked to cancer, damage to the immune system and developmental issues.

This is the Synopsis
This is a short social realist drama which follows Keira as she struggles to live her normal day life while she is suffering from the effects of an eating disorder.

This is the Closing of their presentation

Ampar-Ampar Pisang
Ampar ampar pisang
Pisangku balum masak
Masak sabigi dihurung bari-bari
Masak sabigi dihurung bari-bari
Mangga lepak mangga lepok
Patah kayu bengkok
Bengkok dimakan api
apinya canculupan
Patah kayu bengkok
Bengkok dimakan api
apinya canculupan
Jari kaki sintak dahuluakan masak
Ampar ampar pisang
Pisangku balum masak
Masak sabigi dihurung bari-bari
Masak sabigi dihurung bari-bari
Mangga ricak mangga ricak
Patah kayu bengkok
Tanduk sapi tanduk sapi kulibir bawang
Nang mana batis kutung dikitip bidawang

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