Friday, September 13, 2019

The Presentation Of The Second Group

"Let's Make A Better World For All"

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
This is the presentation of the second group, they were doing a presentation about music.

This is the opening of the presentation, we were all singing "Tanah Airku"

Tanah Airku
Tanah air ku tidak kulupakan
Kan terkenang selama hidupku
Biarpun saya pergi jauh
Tidak kan hilang dari kalbu

Tanah ku yang kucintai
Engkau kuhargai

Walaupun banyak negeri kujalani
Yang masyhur permai dikata orang
Tetapi kampung dan rumahku
Di sanalah ku rasa senang

Tanah ku tak kulupakan
Engkau kubanggakan
Tanah ku yang kucintai
Engkau kuhargaiKuhargai

After they present their opening song, they showed us the short movie, and they read the news for us 

When they done showing their song and short movie, they started to tell us about their subject, "Music" 

Music is a rhythm that goes out from human's body, they usually sounds good with the combination of musical instruments, such as guitar of piano, music usually comes from a poem, well some of them comes from a poem, that is why, words in songs are so beautiful to hear, or maybe read (the lyrics) 

Structure Of Music :
• Intro 
• Verse 
• Chorus or Refrain 
• Break 
• Bridge 
• Outro or Coda

That is the Generic Structure Of Music, Basically, people wrote music from their actual experience so they could sang the song with such a beautiful expression and feelings. 

This is the slideshows that this group made for their presentation 

And for the closing, they used "Cublak Cublak Suweng" as their closing song, this is what it looks like when the class sang together for the closing ,  

Cublak Cublak Suweng 
Cublak-cublak suweng
suwenge ting gelenter
Mambu ketudhung gudhel
Pak Gempong lera lere
Sapa ngguyu ndelikake
Sir sir pong dele gosong
Sir sir pong dele gosong

That's All For This Page, See You Again!

The Presentation Of The First Group

"How To Make.."

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
This is the presentation of the first group, their presentation was about "Procedure Text" and this was the opening of their presentation, we all sang Garuda Pancasila

Garuda Pancasila
Garuda pancasila akulah pendukungmu
Patriot proklamasi sedia berkorban untukmu
Pancasila dasar negara, rakyat adil makmur sentosa, pribadi bangsaku
Ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju

Garuda pancasila akulah pendukungmu
Patriot proklamasi sedia berkorban untukmu
Pancasila dasar negara, rakyat adil makmur sentosa, pribadi bangsaku
Ayo maju maju (merdeka) ayo maju maju (merdeka) ayo maju maju
Ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju

Pancasila dasar negara, rakyat adil makmur sentosa, pribadi bangsaku
Ayo maju maju (merdeka) ayo maju maju (merdeka) ayo maju maju
Ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju

After we sang Garuda Pancasila together, just like the video above, they explained about "Procedure Text", Generally, Procedure Text is a text that explains us about how to make something, how to do something, or how to use something.

Also there are many kinds of Procedure Text, such as "how to do", "how to make" and "how to use", and they also explained about the structure of this Procedure Text, The structure is :

• Ingredients
• The First Step, we used "Firstly,"
• The Second Step, we used "Then"
• And The Last Step, we used "Finally"

The difference between Procedure Text and Instruction is that Procedure Text is a text with paragraph that explains steps of doing something, otherwise instruction is just a number of how to use something.

This is their power point slides that they used for their presentation

I put all slides together because it would used lots of space if put it one by one, if you wan't to know the explanation of that slides, you can read my words above that slideshows pictures, okay?

And this is the end of their presentation, we sang "Yamko Rambe Yamko"

Yamko Rambe Yamko
Hee yamko rambe yamko aronawa kombe
Hee yamko rambe yamko aronawa kombe

Teemi nokibe kubano ko bombe ko
Yuma no bungo awe ade
Teemi nokibe kubano ko bombe ko
Yuma no bungo awe ade

Hongke hongke hongke riro
Hongke jombe jombe riro
Hongke hongke hongke riro
Hongke jombe jombe riro

I had to put pictures because the video took so long to upload :( sorry 

That's All For This Page, See You Again <3

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Group's Presentations

Group 1 :

•Afina Maulida
•Fadil Nahdi 
•Ihsan Ramadhan 
•Talitha Anargya F

Opening : Garuda Pancasila 
News : Bali back to normal after earthquake 
Materi : How To Make Something (Procedure Text)
Quiz : 
Exercise : Making procedure text about "making something" 
Closing : Yamko Rambe Yamko 
Vocabulary : 5 Kata 

Group 2 : 

• Carissa Amalia Putria 
• Nadya Chairani Z A 
• Rayhanul Hafizh 

Opening : Tanah Airku 
News :
Materi : Let's Make A Better World For All 
Quiz : 
Exercise : Page 155
Closing : Cublak Cublak Suweng
Vocabulary : 

Group 3 :

• Helmi Hasyim 
• Muhammad Azriel Baihaqi 
• Syahfa Putri 

Opening : Merah Putih - Gombloh
News : -
Materi : May I Help You?
Quiz : - 
Exercise : English Book Chapter 1 Page 11, Create 2 Pattern, Examples And Responses about "May I Help You?"
Closing : Keroncong Kemayoran 
Vocabulary : English Book Chapter 1 Page 3 write on the book 

Group 4 : 

• Muhammad Farhan Syach 
• Muhammad Hassanudin Zuhdi 
• Shabrina Lathiifah Andhini 

Opening : Syukur 
News : 
Materi : Creating Caption 
Quiz : 
Closing : Ayo Mama 
Vocabulary :

Group 5 : 

• Azzahra Nurwanda Putri 
• Dyan Kusworo 
• Nazhifah Qurrotu'Ain 
• Suci Ramadhani P S 

Opening : Rayuan Pulau Kelapa 
News : 
Materi : Who Was Involved
Quiz : 
Exercise : Page 63 
Closing : Sajojo
Vocabulary : 5 Kata 

Group 6 : 

• Afifah Rafa Sahlah 
• Salsabilla Adzani Rosma 
• Teddy Sonjaya 

Opening : Gugur Bunga 
News : 
Materi : 
Video :
Quiz : 
Exercise : 
Short Movie : 
Closing : Rambadia 
Vocabulary :

Group 7 :

• Dimas Maulana Algifari
• Regita Zulkarnaen 
• Yunita Amelia 

Opening : Berkibarlah Benderaku 
News :
Materi : How To Use Photoshop
Quiz : Quiziz/Kahoot 
Exercise : English Book Page 143 
Closing : Butet
Vocabulary :

Group 8 : 

• Habiba Nuran Tenri Sonya 
• Muhammad Hafidz Wicaksono 
• Zalfa Ghaniyya Aveli 

Opening : 17 Agustus 
News : 
Materi : It's Garbage In, Arts Works Out 
Video : 
Quiz : 
Exercise : 
Vocabulary : 

Group 9 : 

• Annisa Syafa Kamila 
• Aulif Nazar Rabbani
• Nollan Adelwin 

Opening : Bangun Pemudi Pemuda 
News :
Materi : Online School Registration
Video : 
Quiz : 
Exercise : English Book Chapter 6 Page 87 
Closing : Ampar Ampar Pisang 
Vocab : 5 Kata 

Group 10 :

• Fadhlurrohman Akbar W 
• Kurniah Aji Firdaus
• Nabila Ananda Putri 
• Putri Qurrotun N

Opening : Indonesia Pusaka 
News :
Materi : Why Don't You Visit Seattle 
Quiz :
Exercise :
Vocabulary :

Group 11 : 

• Ilham Cahyo Winasis
• Novia Yasmin
• Risma Nurisa Rahmandhani 

Opening : Kebyar Kebyar - Gombloh
News :
Materi : Do You Know How To Apply For Job
Quiz : Quiziz / Kahoot
Exercise : 
Closing : Bolelebo
Vocabulary : 

That's All For This.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


For anybody who's reading this, i would like to say hello to all of you, and welcome to this first page of this blog, actually i kinda get the title "suggestion and offering" wrong because i didn't understand the steps of making the blog account, so i kinda get it wrong, the righr title is "english tasks" because i made this blog as my english task, first of all, let's just talk about myself, well as long as it says introduction so i have to introduce myself right?
First of all, let me tell you all about my personal things, such as where i study at, or where i live (this is not necessary) maybe not, so my name is Zalfa Ghaniyya Aveli, but people call me Zalfa, or maybe some of my family call me "Papa" but it doesn't mean "dad" it means my name, "Zalfa" , that nickname was from my grandmother that has passed away about 8 years ago, but since then, my family keep calling me "Papa", i have one brother and one sister, and we have the same face, really really same face, i study at 27 senior high school and now i'm in the 3rd grade, which means i will go to college next year, i am hoping and willing that i could study at the broadcasting faculty, because i always dreamt to work at a television company, or maybe a radio company, it seems really really fun, or maybe i would study at an english literature because i love english so much idk why..
I have a hobby, playing music and listening to music, even though i don't really understand about it, i don't even know how c# could become a word, my teacher said that music is like a language, or it's a symbol, so you could feel like you're reading it, well that make sense for them who understands it a lot, not for me, i do like playing music and sing to the rhythm i made, well i actually could read some of the chords and play it properly, but not like a pro, i play for my own muse
I also had a favorite movie, it's "The Fault In Our Star" it's a very awesome movie, it's about a girl and a boy who has cancer, but they actually live happily together as a normal couple, even though one of them was left someday, but it doesn't mean that they are not happy, every people had a choice to their own life, either they choose to stay, or leave, and it really told me about a reality, that love is not always had a happy ending. but i hope mine does.
that's all i guess, we will meet again in another post i promise, see ya! thanks for reading 殺